Archive for July, 2006

friday monarch report

Friday, July 28th, 2006

Before I go on to post my “main” post for today, here’s an update on the Monarch caterpillar being kept in the living room. It has grown considerably since yesterday morning, when I posted a brief update on the piece about the caterpillar’s molt. As of yesterday morning, the caterpillar measured about 30mm in length […]

more on the phymata

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

Picking up where I left off a couple of days ago, I’ll write a bit more about Phymata (Ambush bugs). The two photos in this post are not new — probably a year or two old, as I’m not really seeing much pair activity just yet. At the moment, the individual insects seem to be […]

loss of face

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

Can you guess what this is? I found it on a milkweed leaf in the container where I’m keeping the Monarch caterpillar that I wrote about earlier today. This afternoon, I happened to check on the caterpillar, and saw something very tiny sitting on a leaf inside the container. I got my 15X loupe out […]

baby pictures from the research lab

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

On Monday, while making my insect watching rounds of the gardens, I found a tiny Monarch caterpillar on the underside of a Common Milkweed leaf. I find them around the farm quite frequently, but took particular note of this one because it was on almost the same spot where I found one on a Milkweed […]

meet the phymata

Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

This post is long overdue. I’ve been meaning to introduce everyone to an insect that has been of long-standing interest to me. Originally, I’d planned this first piece on Ambush Bugs to be fact-filled and technical, but I’m feeling a little lazy this afternoon, so consider this to be a more personal introduction. By the […]

what’s on the flip side?

Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

This was actually meant to be a somewhat cheerful post — at least, that was the plan while I was out photographing this pair of Argiope aurantia spiders late this afternoon. As you can probably see from the pair of photos that I’ve patched together, these spiders are resting on opposite sides of an unusually […]

blog problems?

Monday, July 24th, 2006

Just posting a note to ask if any of you ever experience problems accessing this blog. A friend often gets a message that says something like this: Error Sorry, you have reached either a non-existent site or the site has been suspended (or deactivated) due to Disk Space and/or Bandwidth Violation / Exceeded. Site Owner: […]