Archive for February, 2008

how deep is the snow?

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Yes, two posts in one day. Chalk it up to me finally getting my photo editing software working again (see previous post from this a.m.). In the comments to my February 9th post, Wayne from Niches asked: Snow! Take pictures of snow for your poor sweltering neighbors far to the south who only want a […]

along came a spider

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

This morning, I’ve finally managed to untangle a software glitch in my computer. A few weeks ago, I bought an all-in-one scanner/printer/copier and installed the software, only to have all of my photo editing programs become nonfunctional. I’ve been too busy to try to sort out the problem, but from time to time, I would […]

still here

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

Over the past couple or so days, in comments left at this post, there were a couple of queries as to where I’ve gone (hi Clare). Well, I’m still around, but not as active in my usual ways, so things have almost ground to a halt in the blog posting department. This is partly due […]