Category Archive for 'Stories'

what’s so good about being home?

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

fresh-baked cranberry and Ida Red apple pie Okay, so I’m not much of a food stylist or food photographer. However, I wanted to post an image that represents one of the good things about being back home — being able to cook in my own kitchen. Don’t get me wrong — I very much enjoyed […]

danger and rescue in the woods

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

This is a story. It happened a long time ago. Our family cottage was built among the dark and brooding coniferous woods along the Ottawa River. We drew our drinking water from a well located up a forest trail. In summer, my younger brother and I had the small task of drawing the occasional bucket […]

after dark

Monday, August 14th, 2006

This is the first of what will probably be a small barrage of posts on nature sightings from the past few days. It seems that I’m seeing a lot right at the moment, so I’ll be trying to do some catch-up on photos and notes. At the end of June, I wrote a piece about […]

a naughty photo

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

Surprised? Shocked? Well, there’s a chance that some 25% of visitors to this blog would have been if I’d posted the uncensored photo of one of my favourite goats from the days when we kept a dairy herd here at the farm. So, why did I post this “naughty” photo here at Burning Silo? Read […]

a kitchen bowl

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

The weather has finally cooled off (thank goodness). I’m hoping to get a bit of outdoor and indoor work done today. To say it’s been uncomfortably hot for the past few days would be understating things. So, this morning’s post will just be something simple so that I can get on with my work. A […]

gude clouds here

Saturday, July 29th, 2006

No insects today. Instead, it’ll be a story written before retiring tonight. If the weather cooperates, we’re off to do some canoeing in the morning as the temperatures are pretty steamy here — really a bit too warm for hiking. We have a few favourite creeks over-arched by trees, where we can paddle along shaded […]

just kidding

Friday, February 24th, 2006

This is a photo that turned up today while I was searching for something else. Now, some of you may be be wondering “What’s that small white thing trotting across the circa 1979 living room?” And others might be wondering if I’m already stooping to posting “pet stories” on this blog for lack of anything […]