Two views of the same scene shot by one of the trail cams. The video of the Raccoon is the night before the snowfall on the weekend. It was almost like autumn around here for several days. However, then the temperature dropped, the snow fell, and then some freezing rain and more snow. That’s how this winter has been so far – a sort of tug-of-war between mild, dry weather, and the occasional cold spell with snow.
After checking the trail cams almost daily, I’ve begun to see patterns in the wildlife behaviour around here. If it’s fairly nice and mild, the Raccoons are always out wandering around as they forage during the night. When the weather isn’t so nice, they might come out, but usually don’t. The Deer are active most of the time regardless of weather. The Squirrels are active, Gray Squirrels by day and Flying Squirrels by night, in good weather. However, when it gets lousy, they hunker down somewhere and there are few photos.

It’s a bit harder to know what the predators are doing. There was a Bobcat through here a couple of nights ago – see the not-very-good photo above. Interesting thing is that I saw a Bobcat crossing the road just down from my place in the late afternoon on the same night that the photo of a Bobcat was taken by the trail cam back in the woods. It was probably making the rounds of its territory in search of food.
Winter seems like a tough time of the year for wildlife, but around this area, it’s probably been easy thus far. All of the wildlife in photos seem to be in good condition. There are still a few weeks to go. Hopefully life won’t be too hard for them before the arrival of spring. For my part, I’m looking forward to the return of the migratory birds. I have some plans for using the trail cams for making sound recordings. I’ve been experimenting with that am anxious to give that a try — but more about that in another post!
I love your videos. That’s sure one healthy looking raccoon. A beautiful coat.
It is! I’ve noticed that all of the Raccoons around my place look quite large and healthy. Must have been all the grapes they ate off the vines in my little vineyard! I’ve kind of given up on getting any grapes for myself — which is okay. The vines were absolutely loaded with grapes this year. I did manage to snag a few, but as soon as they were nice and ripe, the birds and the Raccoons had a feast. 🙂