citizen science

monitoring programs and projects

The following are a list of citizen science monitoring programs of projects found on the net. Most are open to individuals as well as school groups, naturalist organizations, etc… With all but a few exceptions, most of these projects allow independent participation and database input via the internet. Most of the projects are free of charge, but a couple charge a materials or other participation fee. I leave it up to the reader to investigate that information. I’ve only participated in a couple of the programs or projects on this list, but intend to add at least 2 or 3 this coming summer. If any reader knows of a project that might me a good addition to this list, let me know. By the way, as you may notice, this list is weighted toward Canadian programs. That’s partly because I was able to use this search page to find citizen science projects on the Stewardship Canada website. I couldn’t find an equivalent for the U.S. or other countries. If you know of such a site, send me a URL and I’ll check it out.