November 10th, 2007
The Apple – a History of Canada’s Perfect Fruit
Upon my return from the west coast in late October, I found a couple of copies of The Apple – a History of Canada’s Perfect Fruit waiting for me. I passed one copy on to my mom, and kept the other for myself. This new book by Carol Martin, author of several books including Catharine Parr Traill: Backwoods Pioneer, and A History of Canadian Gardening explores the history of Canada’s apple growing regions, and tells the story of the many famous orchards across the country.
The book is amply illustrated with many interesting photos and art including apple crate labels. I’m quite proud to be able to say that a few of my photos are among those included. The book is now available from and Chapters-Indigo.
If you’re interested in checking out my apple-related photos, visit these apple blossom and bees on apple blossoms galleries on Pbase. Below is a photo of a Red Squirrel’s apple cache — one of the photos which has been included in Carol’s book.

Tags: The Apple – a History of Canada’s Perfect Fruit, Carol Martin
November 10th, 2007 at 10:07 am
What a great photograph, bev. I see why it has been included in this book. Interesting thing about apples, here in Santa Cruz, the county has been subjected to two nights of aerial spraying for the Light-Brown Apple Moth, which destroy apple leaf and bud. There was a storm of protest and lawsuits, but the spraying went on.
November 10th, 2007 at 5:37 pm
Awwww . . . really!? A little Red Squirrel did that? Yes. That’s a keeper.
Congratulations again, Bev. Recording nature’s whimsy and sharing it with others has got to be satisfying beyond measure.
Your bee and apple blossom pictures must tide us over for a while, now. Closing my eyes, though – I can almost smell their delicate sweetness :0)
November 11th, 2007 at 9:14 am
Congratulations on the inclusion of your photos in the book!
November 12th, 2007 at 12:04 am
Without a sense of smell, apples are not just about the only fruit I can abide but actually love. I’ve planted a few carefully chosen apple trees here but the deer keep pruning them and we’re just a bit too far south for apples to work.
It’s fun to see that some non sapiens like them as much as I do! And of course the caching thing is precious.
November 12th, 2007 at 7:03 pm
robin – That’s interesting about the spraying. I understand the reasons, but I can’t say I like the idea too much.
Cathy – Yep! A Red Squirrel did that! They don’t just cache pine cones. I’ve found butternuts and walnuts stuck up in trees in a similar way.
John – Thanks very much! (-:
Wayne – Deer do seem quite attracted to apple trees. It’s a challenge to keep them from wrecking the trees before they get to a good size.
November 17th, 2007 at 11:16 am
That’s fascinating that squirrels would keep their stash out in the open like that. Wonderful.
November 18th, 2007 at 10:06 am
Andrée – Yes, isn’t it? I had seen Red Squirrels make open stashes of cones many times, but the apples were new to me at and first appeared when the trees in our yard finally started to bear quite a bit of fruit a few years ago. I’ve also been finding the odd butternut or walnut wedged into the branches of “non nut trees” in the garden this autumn. Once again, it’s the work of Red Squirrels.