by the sea

After a few days of hiking and camping in the redwoods, we moved a bit further north to spend some time along the California coast. Due to a somewhat ominous weather forecast, we decided to forego camping and seek refuge at a motel in Crescent City. We soon found that some of the other motel occupants were also taking a break from tent-camping for similar reasons. It turned out to be a wise move as the coast was hit by some seriously heavy night time rains. However, as it turned out, day time weather was reasonably good, so we were able to make forays to hike on beaches and in the nearby redwoods with only the occasional soaking.

While checking out some of the beach access points in and around Crescent City, we stopped to photograph the lighthouse at Battery Point (top photo – click on all photos for larger views). At the look-off area, we found ourselves being closely watched by the many gulls gathered in the parking lot.

One of the items on our “wish list” was to be along the coast when the Brown Pelicans were flying through. Last year, Don and I had, quite by chance, discovered that mid-October is a great time to see Pelicans flying south along this stretch of the coast. On this trip, the Pelicans were once again ever-present as they followed the shoreline. I photographed these over Crescent City (see below). More about the Pelicans in an upcoming post.

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10 Responses to “by the sea”

  1. Ruth Says:

    I love the photo of the very handsome gull on the post. The pelicans are elegant in flight.

  2. John Says:

    I envy your extended trip through the California coastal area. Beautiful photos, especially the pelicans. And your subsequent post, with the banana slug, was informative.

  3. am Says:

    I never tire of seeing these places I have traveled to so many times. Thanks so much. I love to see pelicans! All these photos, including the banana slug, make California seem not that far away on this cold rainy night in Washington. Have you seen any grey whales?

  4. bev Says:

    Ruth – The pelicans are incredible. I’ll be posting more photos sometime soon. This certainly was the year to see huge gatherings of pelicans any time the weather turned stormy.

    John – It’s been a great trip. My friend and I have seen a lot of beautiful things and met many good people.

    am – I’m glad to hear that the photos bring back some memories for you. I have many more to post, but only limited access to the net at the moment, so most will have to wait until I’m back home in Canada. Sorry to hear that it is still cold and rainy in Washington. I hope you get some of the good weather that has finally moved in along the Oregon and California coast. I do have to say that we were dodging rain and cold for most of this trip. Too bad we were off in our timing as it looks like the next 10 days could be quite nice. Regarding whales — no, we didn’t see any on this trip. My guess is that we may be a little too early.

  5. robin andrea Says:

    Love seeing those pelicans, bev. It’s one of the things I’m most looking forward to when we get down to California. There’s just something about them — the way they fly together, dip above the waves, dive down for fish, and glide. So beautiful. I always liked Crescent City. There’s a place, I’ve probably mentioned this before, from up on one of the bluffs on a clear day, you can look out and see the curve of the earth. It’s grand.

  6. bev Says:

    Hi robin – The pelicans are terrific. My friend and I got so many wonderful photos and video footage of them. I’ll post some of them when I get a bit more time. We noticed the “curve of the earth” thing at a couple of places too — definitely noticed it on the trail out to Endert’s Beach. Have had a super time at the beaches along that part of the coast.

  7. Cathy Wilson Says:

    Beautiful photos. Gulls are so common and numerous, but they are handsome birds that make for elegant photos. What can one say about pelicans, except to marvel at their grace.

  8. bev Says:

    Cathy – I never really tire of gulls. I think it’s their inclination to interact with us, but also their flying abilities. As for the pelicans, they’re just so awesome. I love watching them skimming along just above a large wave, riding in the curl of it before rising up to turn and get down into the trough of the next wave.

  9. Cathy Wilson Says:

    Having read your lovely comment about pelicans – I wanted to share the third stanza of a poem I wrote inspired by memories of my grandmother. The poem is “Grandma Gladys’ Hands” and someday if you twist my arm I’ll send you the full poem :0) For now . . . this:

    Despite their angularity,
    they hovered tandem before her face,
    fluttering and lovely like a pelican’s grace
    after he’s pumped and pumped the air
    to drift suspended above the sea.

  10. bev Says:

    Cathy – I love that stanza! Well, I’m twisting your arm. You must send me the full poem when you have the time. Also, I’ll have to get busy and post my Pelican photos and video clips. Maybe I’ll get on that this morning.

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