a triumph for the turtles

About two weeks ago, I wrote about the controversy over turtle signs in the Peterborough area west of here. The municipal council had recently voted to remove 42 turtle crossing signs posted around the county as part of a larger plan to remove all signs that are not included in the Ontario Traffic Manual. The signs had originally been posted after a group of children going by the name of Kids 4 Turtles, raised $4,000 for their purchase in 2001. At the time, Peterborough council presented a heritage award to the children for their initiative. Following the announcement that the turtle signs were to be removed, Samantha Woolley, a volunteer at the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre where turtles are cared for and rehabilitated after injury from road accidents and other trauma, set up an online petition. A total of 1,193 signatures were received from individuals calling for a stop to the elimination of the turtle signs. Some readers of this blog were among those who signed the petition.

Yesterday, members of Kids 4 Turtles addressed the Peterborough County council once again. Following much discussion, the decision to remove the turtle signs was reversed. The original 42 signs will continue to be maintained, and there may be additional signs posted at provincially significant wetlands in the area. The group now intends to lobby the Province of Ontario to have turtle crossing signs officially added to the Ontario Traffic Manual. Read more about yesterday’s success in this story from The Peterborough Examiner.

Nice going Kids 4 Turtles!!

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13 Responses to “a triumph for the turtles”

  1. Dave Says:

    Glad to hear that we in the U.S. aren’t the only ones bedeviled by the mindless worship of Order.

  2. Mark Says:

    Good news. Isn’t it amazing how hard it is to convince people to do something so simple, something that takes so little time and effort but that can result in good things?

  3. robin andrea Says:

    Yay! It is so refreshing to read good news for a change. Hurray for the turtles and the smart people who protect them.

  4. bev Says:

    Dave – No, you aren’t alone. I think the mindless worship of Order is a contagious thing. I was glad to see that it didn’t win out this time round.

    Mark – Yes. Quite frankly, I was amazed that this ever became an issue, especially after learning more about how the council had actually given the Kids 4 Turtles an award for the signs in the first place. How crazy is that?! Anyhow, good to see that the signs will continue to be maintained.

    robin – I gave a big, “Yay!” too. Initially, I thought this might be yet another one of those “You can’t fight city hall” things, but as momentum built, it seemed that things might actually work out well for a change.

  5. Wayne Says:

    That’s a very satisfactory outcome in many ways. I’m very glad you propagated the information, and congratulations to the kids for their spirit.

  6. bev Says:

    Wayne – I agree — as you say, satisfactory outcome in many ways.

  7. Cathy Says:

    That’s such good news. And what a great experience for those young people. The little guy can make a difference.

  8. Peter Says:

    That is wonderful news. I always wonder who and why people steal road signs, that might be an education project for the future :-)

  9. John Says:

    I needed a little victory and your post provided it! Thanks, Bev, for letting us know. And I feel good that I was among those 1,193 who signed the petitions! P.S. Thanks, Bev, for your comments on my posts.

  10. KathyF Says:

    Good for the turtles!

    And now I know where that other Peterborough is. I’ve googled it before, looking for information on the original Peterborough, located about 80 miles north of London, and kept finding out about your Peterborough!

  11. Mark Says:

    I would have loved to been part of those meetings just to first hear the reasoning behind the signs being ‘confusing’ in the first place, and then to listen in on apparently what was an ounce of reasonable thought to reverse it. Good job for the kids.

  12. Dave Says:

    That’s terrific news! Three cheers for turtles!

  13. fred Says:
