read or seen and enjoyed

It’s been awhile since I posted a collection of links to blogs where I’ve read or seen something of interest. Although my net connection has been absolutely dreadful for the past few weeks, I’ve managed to hobble around visiting as many of my favourite blogs as I can whenever I have the time and patience. Here are some of my favourite posts from the past while.

Several blogs featured some very fascinating creatures seen close to home.

* At Dzonoqua’s Whistle, Celeste wrote about Oregon Gators and the Swainson’s Thrush.

* Larry at Riverside Rambles recently wrote about A Visit from a Goldsmith.

* At Chelsea’s Blog, check out some terrific photos and observations on a romantic pair of Black Rat Snakes.

* Recently, Wayne at Niches introduced us to The Tireless Homemaker, and just this morning, he posted photos of Eastern Boxturtle #7.

* At Dharma Bums, Robin wrote about a Bobcat, and finding a solution to a problem caused by a somewhat neurotic swallow.

* Doug writes about the life history of his favorite butterfly at Gossamer Tapestry.

* And Carel at Rigor Vitae reports that, despite all of the man-made disturbance, Suckers have returned for yet another year.

Several bloggers also wrote about the places where they have wandered recently. Here are a few that I thought you might enjoy reading about:

* At Pohanginapete, more writings and photos of Pete’s travels through India.

* In May, John from Musings from Myopia wrote about a recent trip to New Mexico — a place I have yet to visit but hope to sometime in the near future.

* Dave at Via Negativa recently wrote a two-part photo essay on a hike along the Fred Woods Trail in Pennsylvania’s Elk State Forest. Here are parts one, and two.

* Also in Pennsylvania, Marcia Bonta writes about a hiking trip at Ricketts Glen State Park that turned out well in spite of some initial setbacks.

* Once again at Riverside Rambles, Larry shares his photos of architecture seen during a recent trip to Louisiana, Missouri.

And last but not least, do trip on over to Wanderin’ Weeta to check out the lastest edition of Good Planets are Hard to Find. Susannah also notes that the next “Good Planets” will be up at her blog on June 23. She is suggesting a couple of concepts to play with, two opposites; fragility and durability. If you have photos that speak to either or both of these ideas, send them along! Other photos of our “good planet” that you would like to share are also welcome. Send them to her at susannah AT dccnet DOT com, by Friday the 22nd.

That’s it for now. I’ll post another collection of links sometime soon.

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3 Responses to “read or seen and enjoyed”

  1. Marcia Bonta Says:

    Thanks so much for including me in your blog collection. We too have been having a terrible connection and it’s been difficult to do much of anything on line.

  2. DougT Says:

    Thanks for the shout-out.

  3. John Says:

    Thanks for including my New Mexico travelogue in your ‘read or seen’ list, Bev. I hope you do get to New Mexico soon; I am confident you’ll fall in love with the place!