badly behaved blog


It seems that my blog is behaving badly this afternoon. I just got an “Error 400 – Bad Request” when I came here to post something a few minutes ago. I’ve heard from a couple of people who have mentioned problems over the past couple of days or so. I don’t know enough about servers and such to do much about it, although I did email my webhost company to let them know there have been a few problems. Anyhow, if you ever come here and get such a message, never fear… I shall return… eventually! (-:

I must tell you that when I first set up this blog, a couple of days after it was up and running, my mother called me in a bit of a panic. Apparently, she went to the blog and found the message that I posted the other day about how the server disk space was probably used up, or I hadn’t paid for my space, or some such thing. Whatever, it sounded rather catastrophic, so she wanted to let me know a.s.a.p. (she’s good that way). Anyhow, the mysterious message vanished a few minutes later and everything was back to normal. Seems to happen now and then though.

So, what is Sabrina doing in this photo? I don’t really know, but I thought it made a good graphic to go with my “Arrrrrrrrrgggghhhh!!!” All I can tell you is that you should never give your camera to Don because that’s the kind of photo he will take of you (he took that one). I suspect that Sabrina was caught in the middle of a sneeze as I’ve *never* seen her make a face anything like that before or since. If you really want a scare, click on the image to see the larger view. She looks like Cujo.

“Poor Sabrina… Don’t worry, I’ll never let Don take a photo of you again.” (-:

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4 Responses to “badly behaved blog”

  1. Peter Says:

    Haha. My mom used to yell at me all the time for the photos I took of our dogs. I think I took a few of them “doing their business” when they were puppies just so she would find them when developing the film ;-) Needless to say, she loves digital cameras now.

    She even had this one candid sort of shot with one of the dogs sticking his tongue out a bit, so I promptly cropped it and multiplied it to create a new wallpaper for her computer when she wasn’t looking.

    All in good fun!

  2. jimmy Says:

    Scary looking dog….but beautiful. I have never had an error.

  3. burning silo Says:

    Pete – You sound like you were quite a trickster! (-:

    Jimmy – She’s actually a beautifully tempered dog and would never bare her teeth, so it was definitely a sneeze or something similar. Funny face though!

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