May 26th, 2006
last call for ‘Circus of the Spineless’ submissions
Submissions for the 9th edition of Circus of the Spineless have been rolling in for the past couple of days. This is just a reminder to all that COTS will be taking place on May 31st, here at Burning Silo. If you have a post about invertebrates that you would like to submit, please send it along to Bev before that date – ideally, I’d like to receive all submissions no later than the morning of May 30th so that I can get things ready to put up for the 31st (sooner is better).
If you’re submitting a post or photos, please put “COTS Submission” in the subject line of your email so that I won’t miss seeing it. I will attempt to acknowledge all submissions with a reply email within a day. So, if you submit something and don’t hear back from me, please *do* email me again in case my spam filter has zapped your letter.
** To all who are interested, please feel free to pass the above “call” along to others via your blogs!
**To those who would like to know more about this blog carnival and what to submit, etc., please visit the page of submission guidelines on the Circus of the Spineless home website.
Thanks everyone! — Bev