Archive for October, 2007

surprise! look what i found in my towel!

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

Saturday morning, while packing up our gear after a couple of nights spent at Richardson Grove in the redwoods, I got a small surprise when this spider climbed out of a towel sitting on the picnic table (click on all photos for larger views). Looks like some species of Tarantula, but I don’t know which […]

hot night around the old outhouse

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

After setting up camp and heating up our dinner over the campfire, it was time for some fun of the entomological kind. We paid a visit to the nearby outhouse building to check out the insect activity. Moths were the main event, although we also found the largest cranefly I’ve probably seen — well, actually, […]

when in willits

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

We left the McCloud River area a few days ago, and wandered along in the general direction of the redwood coast. Our path led us through the town of Willits, and back to the Phoenix Bread Company – a bakery that my friend and I discovered on last year’s journey. We were hoping to score […]

beautiful day – clean toilet!

Friday, October 12th, 2007

Here’s a bit more catching up on my posts from the McCloud River area. I shot these photos on the way back out to I-5 to continue on with our travels. We had stopped at a park area known as Dekkas Rock to photograph the shores in the area where the McCloud River merges with […]

McCloud River fauna

Friday, October 12th, 2007

We’ve been without net access for a couple of days, so I wasn’t able to post my follow-up on the fauna around our campsite on the McCloud River, so this is it. I had mentioned that we saw quite a lot of insect activity going on. There was much grasshopper activity everywhere — which is […]

McCloud River

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Late Saturday afternoon, we turned off I-5 to look for a campground. We were a little disappointed to find that so many campgrounds seemed to be closed for the season or for construction work. However, we did eventually find an open campground several miles up the McCloud River which flows into Lake Shasta. The site […]

mount shasta

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

We left Grants Pass on Saturday, and travelled east to the Medford area, stopping to visit the Crater Rock Museum at Central Point. I didn’t take photos, but let me just say that it’s well worth a visit if you’re ever passing by. It’s owned and operated by the Roxy Ann Gem & Mineral Society. […]