Archive for May, 2007

in a patch of sunlight

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

Here at the farm, there’s a small open area in a section of the poplar woods. The sunshine washes over the vegetation for most of the daylight hours. Any time that I want to find butterflies, that’s the place to go. Yesterday, as I walked the section of trail passing through this open area, two […]

mystery spider

Monday, May 21st, 2007

Insect and spider activity has been picking up steadily over the past few days. Each walk in the woods and fields is marked with at least one or two exciting moments. On Saturday afternoon, while taking a break from an outdoor garden project we’re working on (more about that later this week), I found this […]

take a look

Monday, May 21st, 2007

If you have a relatively quick net connection, here’s something you might like to see. Gus Frederick, a friend from the left coast, has put one of his time-lapse photo creations up on You Tube. It features a bract of rhododendron flowers blossoming. The sequence is amazing and I’m sure most of you will enjoy […]

encounter with life

Sunday, May 20th, 2007

I almost posted these photos a couple of weeks ago right after they were taken. However, before I had a chance to do so, some events began to unfold and I decided to just stow them away for awhile. Now, circumstances have changed and I can write about them and also about some of what’s […]

red-tailed bumblebees

Thursday, May 17th, 2007

Above and below are my first photos of a Bumblebee for this year. I didn’t mark it down on the calendar, but I may have seen my very first Bumblebee about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but this is the first that I was able to approach close enough to shoot some photos. The first […]

in search of young spiders

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007

Each year, I try to choose a few small projects to work on over the spring through autumn season. Most of the projects have to do with observation of insects or spiders, although some have to do with photography. One of my projects for this year, is to try to learn more about young spiders […]


Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

For the past three weeks, I’ve been seeing Six-spotted Tiger Beetles in the garden almost every time I’m outdoors hanging laundry on the line. Sometimes they’re perched on the chunks of pink granite next to the little frog pond. Other times, they zip across my path and land on the ground just ahead of me […]