Archive for September, 2006

one big conk

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

Back on June 5th, I wrote about visiting a maple snag at Baird Woods that hosts a number of Artists Conk fungi (Ganoderma applanatum). Recently, we stopped to visit the snag and see how the fungus brackets are looking. As may be seen in the above photo, one of the brackets has become exceedingly large. […]

road food

Friday, September 22nd, 2006

Second post this morning, written from a brief stop along the way here in the PNW. Awhile back, robin and roger of Dharma Bums wrote a post about road food — food that is eaten along the road. I wish I could provide a link to that post, but haven’t got time to try to […]

atop a windblown world

Friday, September 22nd, 2006

This is my first real chance to sit down and write a post while on the road. That probably gives you some idea of the nature of the trip. My travel companion and I have been off wandering along backroads and rivers for the past week or so and rarely sitting around in places where […]

the rust fence

Friday, September 22nd, 2006

Note: This is a post that I wrote before leaving for my trip out west. I happen to have a WiFi connection tonight, so I’m putting this little piece up. I may try to post something about the road trip later tonight or early tomorrow if I have a bit of time. ~ – ~ […]

the llama down the road

Monday, September 18th, 2006

This llama lives in a pasture a few kilometers down the road from us. It’s been there for at least a couple of years now. I’ve always thought it was quite a distinguished looking creature and have been meaning to stop and photograph it for months, but either I don’t have my camera with me, […]

i’m here

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

This will probably come as a bit of a surprise, but I’m “here” now — “here” being out on the west coast in the vicinity of the Columbia Gorge. However, this isn’t a picture from today. I shot this one a few years ago, while on my last visit out west. I haven’t said much […]

not quite ready to leave home

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

Last Friday, while out doing a bit of work in the garden, I noticed a Monarch butterfly resting on a Milkweed leaf nearby. I moved in closer to take a look, and sure enough, it was one of the butterflies that I had tagged the previous day. It seems that the little fellow wasn’t quite […]