Archive for August, 2006

the unfurling of wings

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

Yesterday was something of a ‘big day’ around here. I’ve been very busy this week, so haven’t had time to pay much attention to the Monarch caterpillars and chrysalises, but during one pass through the dining room, I glanced at the tabletop and found 3 butterflies in the process of eclosing. Two of them were […]

spider love

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Yesterday, while checking the garden for insect and spider activity, I spotted this pair of mating Funnel Web spiders (Agelenopsis sp.) on one of the rugosa rose bushes. The male is the smaller spider that is resting atop the much larger female. All that you can see of her is the abdomen and the spinnerets […]

clash of the titans

Monday, August 28th, 2006

Yes,…. another caterpillar post. I hope this isn’t becoming too boring for others, but I find the cat behaviour quite interesting and thought that others might share the same sentiment. But first, I’ll begin with a Monarch progress report: We’re now down to about 8 caterpillars of various sizes. I’d actually vowed not to bring […]

finally, we’re tagging!

Sunday, August 27th, 2006

If you’ve been reading along through the Monarch caterpillar rearing, and the chrysalises, and butterfly eclosings, you’ll know that we’ve been waiting for the arrival of tags from We’ve actually released 4 untagged butterflies so far (2 females and 2 males) as they began eclosing a couple of weeks ago. However, the tags arrived […]

argiope spiders and the montgolfier brothers

Saturday, August 26th, 2006

What do Argiope spiders and the Montgolfier brothers have in common? Not much — except that they both created airy spheres that float in the air. The Argiopes create spherical egg cases, while the Montgolfier brothers created hot air balloons. Slight digression. One of those odd little bits of information that I have retained since […]

on our walk

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

On Tuesday, my mother stopped by to visit, so we decided to go for a walk along the trails that lead through the back of the farm. The following are a few of the sights observed along the way. (Note: To view larger versions of the photos, just click on the thumbnails – and most […]

Festival of the Trees – reminder!

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Just a reminder that the third edition of Festival of the Trees will appear here at Burning Silo on September 1st. If you have a tree-related post that you would like to submit, please email me, preferably by August 29th. Be sure to put “Festival of the Trees” in the subject line of your email […]