Category Archive for 'Amphibians'

before and after

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

Yesterday, we knocked another job off the “gotta do” list for this season. The fascia boards on the studio roof were looking mighty rough, so had to be taken down and replaced with new boards which I’d painted up last week. There’s a photo of the studio with the new boards in place down at […]

fresh from the garden

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor) All three of these photos were taken while I was working in the garden this morning. I was up bright and early — but more about that down below. The Gray Treefrog was found in the front garden while I was hanging out laundry. It was quite a good-sized frog, and […]

nature field day

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

As promised, here’s a brief report on the nature field day that my friend, Eric Snyder, and I led at the Richmond Conservation Area on May 28, 2007. We spent much of the day exploring the nature trails with twenty of Lisa Hetherington’s science students from Bell High School. I believe this was our fourth […]

eastern ontario nature blogs

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007

As mentioned yesterday, things are really picking up around here. I’m seeing many creatures wherever I look. The bird feeders have been very active, with many Goldfinches, Purple Finches, Cardinals, Chickadees and various sparrows. There are Spring Peepers calling from the drainage creek and American Toads trilling from all around in the evening, and Gray […]


Friday, May 11th, 2007

The Gray Treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) have been quite vocal around the garden over the past couple of days. I’m also hearing much trilling of American Toads (Bufo americanus). Last night, we did our frog pond survey route after 9 p.m., and trilling toads were the main event. Last time out, 15 days ago, it was […]

the dilemma

Monday, April 30th, 2007

I’ve just finished uploading the last of the bioblitz photos from the farm into my online galleries on Pbase. Later today, I’ll go through all of the images and ID and caption as many as I can, and then fill in a report sheet to send to the team that will be compiling the data […]

Day One – a turtle steals the show

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

We decided to kick off our week of bioblitzing by recording interesting sightings while hiking a couple of sections of the trail system at Murphys Point Provincial Park here in eastern Ontario. We set out around noon and finished up a little over three hours later. We didn’t try to count absolutely everything, as that […]