Category Archive for 'Oregon'

within the landscape

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006

I promised to post photos of some of the insects seen along the way during my recent wanderings. This not-yet-identified bee was found atop some rabbit-brush below one of many stunning rock formations at John Day Fossil Beds in central Oregon (click on image for larger view). It was getting late in the day, the […]

beneath the lion’s skin – the basalt canyons of central oregon

Monday, October 30th, 2006

I frowned and puzzled over the sight for awhile. I’d never seen quite the like. Could these huge columns be part of a greater mass lying just beneath the soil of these croplands? The answer soon became apparent as we traveled further into an autumn landscape of golden stubble, the road occasionally dipping down a […]

they make ’em big out west

Sunday, October 29th, 2006

I haven’t posted much about insects seen during my recent trip out west, but I’ll eventually get around to that. No doubt, you’ll see more about them when I begin scrounging around looking for things to write about in another few weeks after the snow flies. I do have some insect sightings from the past […]

what’s so good about being home?

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

fresh-baked cranberry and Ida Red apple pie Okay, so I’m not much of a food stylist or food photographer. However, I wanted to post an image that represents one of the good things about being back home — being able to cook in my own kitchen. Don’t get me wrong — I very much enjoyed […]

home on the range

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

Pronghorns may have been the highpoint of our sightings on the high desert range lands of southern Oregon, but we enjoyed others as well. We encountered many groups of cattle and occasionally stopped to shoot a few photos. Most would stand quietly, a bit aloof, a few paces off the road. The individuals above and […]

pronghorn antelope

Saturday, October 21st, 2006

I realize that I’ve been jumping around quite a bit with these posts with images from my recent trip to the PNW. Suffice to say that so many things happened in the almost-five weeks that I was off wandering around that it’s difficult to condense and put it into any order now that I’m back […]

sign of the times

Thursday, October 19th, 2006

I’m slowly getting back into my routine here at the farm. It’s been cool and rainy, so I’ve just been out for one walk through the fields. Sabrina has begun to forgive me for being away for almost five weeks. The first night home, she made a fuss over Don but pretended I was invisible. […]