Category Archive for 'Invertebrates'

International Rock-Flipping Day

Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

Have you ever had an irresistible urge to carefully pick up a rock to see what’s beneath? Do you ever yearn to unearth a colony of ants? Or perhaps a ground beetle or a spider? Maybe you’d like to find a worm, or perhaps a tiny snake. Or a millipede, or an isopod or two. […]

august insects

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

Two-striped Grasshopper ~ Melanoplus bivitattus A little over a week ago, I wrote about how summer has turned the corner and it now feels like autumn is in the air. Since then, here at the farm, the sense that autumn in almost upon us has grown stronger. Milkweed have formed pods, while Goldenrod, Yarrow and […]

don’t miss…..

Sunday, August 5th, 2007

Festival of the Trees 14 at Via Negativa. and Circus of the Spineless 23 at Words & Pictures. and Friday Ark #150 at the Modulator.

a few notes

Monday, July 30th, 2007

As I began to write these notes, this morning’s post by Robin at Dharma Bums immediately came to mind – and these lines in particular: There are more stories than we can tell, so most of the time we don’t tell any of them at all, not about the goldfinches that gather in throngs under […]


Saturday, July 28th, 2007

On my Thursday afternoon insect walk around the farm, I came upon quite a few interesting sights. What all had in common was that something unusual was revealed, either through my photographs, or by spending a bit of time on observation. I’ll write about each of these sightings in this and the next couple of […]

update on the yellow bear caterpillar

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

As some of you will remember, back on July 9th, I wrote: Yesterday, I collected the caterpillar below — what is, in all probability, a Virginian Tiger moth (Spilosoma virginica), often referred to as a Yellow Bear caterpillar. It was found on the tall Sweet Clover plant (Melilotus alba), which is often seen growing along […]

tiny curiosities

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007

Cerastipsocus venosus ~ Bark lice This last few weeks, I’ve been fairly busy photographing insects and trying to deal with all of the camera downloading, image sorting, backing up of drives, etc… that is associated with digital images. I see so many things that I’d like to share, but am never quite sure just how […]