Category Archive for 'Millipedes'

International Rock-Flipping Day – Report and Updates

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

After returning home from our trip to Nova Scotia, I made a little tour of the yard, checking out the vegetable garden and insect activity, but also carefully turned a few rocks in honour of International Rock-Flipping Day. This is my report: First stop was to take a look beneath one of the rocks around […]

Circus of the Spineless – Edition #22

Sunday, July 1st, 2007

Welcome to the 22nd edition of Circus of the Spineless! I considered coming up with a theme for this edition, but in the end, I went with the one unifying quality that I found as I made my way around the web from one blog to the next. I was time and again struck by […]

late november at hemlock ridge

Sunday, November 19th, 2006

Yesterday, Don, Sabrina and I hiked the Hemlock Ridge and Beech Woods Trails at Charleston Lake Provincial Park (in eastern Ontario). We’ve hiked these trails many times over the years and there’s always something of interest whatever the season. Before we had even left the parking area, we encountered the above Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) […]

sabrina hits paydirt

Monday, May 29th, 2006

In the past, I’ve mentioned how Sabrina often finds things to show me – snakes, frogs, toads, some insects. On Saturday, she really hit paydirt. While hiking through a ravine, I stopped to shoot a couple of photos of Don and Sabrina as they walked downhill ahead of me. Sabrina was lagging behind a little […]

what a day!

Monday, May 8th, 2006

(** just click on any of these photos to see a larger version). Yesterday was “one of those days.” What I mean is, for a hiker-naturalist, it was one of those days when I’m continuously heard to be saying, “Wow! Look at THIS!” And, yes, it’s true, I do get pretty excited by much of […]

the great millipede mystery

Friday, March 10th, 2006

Over the past three summers, I’ve happened across the remains of several millipedes which (at least to me), seem to have expired under mysterious circumstances. The species, Sigmoria (Rudiloria) trimaculata trimaculata (Wood), is flat-bodied with segments that resemble some form of armor. Unlike the round-bodied Narceus species, these Sigmoria have far fewer legs and are […]

narceus millipedes

Friday, February 24th, 2006

Today, I added a couple of new pages about Narceus millipedes to my Magick Canoe website. I used a collection of favourite photos of millipedes taken over the past couple of years. I also included a 15 second movie (640kb) of a millipede walking on top of a log — it’s a bit dark, but […]