
Let a canoe
take you to Nature

Pages on this Site

Burning Silo (my blog)

Salamander (my online field notes)

Canoe Trip Reports
Hiking trip reports
Nature Pages
My Photography
Current Projects
Hiking Trail Links
Canoe Links
Nature Links
About This Site
Contact Me

Current Projects

    I'm usually working on a few small nature observation and photography projects. Recent projects include:

  • observation of snow surface invertebrate activity at my farm and elsewhere. To view photos related to this ongoing project, vist my Snow Creatures gallery.
  • a multi-year study of Argiope spider activity in an oldfield habitat at my farm. Some photos of these spiders may be found in a some of my spider photos galleries here and here.

Unless otherwise noted, all of the photographs on my website are my own. Please don't use them for commercial purposes without contacting me for permission. Questions or comments can be sent to me at bev@magickcanoe.com

Last updated: 02/12/06