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Jock River in the Richmond Fen

    On June 20th, Eric and I put my canoe into the Jock River at the south end of Joy's Road (see directions, put-in and paddling notes appended to this report). Weather was clear, sunny, and hot. The put-in area is in a small bay at the end of a tree-lined lane. (see above photo).

    There had been considerable rain in recent weeks, so the access lane was quite muddy. Various animal tracks could be seen quite clearly in areas where the mud was undisturbed by tire tracks. Tracks seen were of deer (large and small sets of tracks), raccoon, skunk, and fisher. At the shoreline, water levels were high and the current on the river was noticeable. Numerous tadpoles were seen swimming in the shallow water. Eric collected an assortment of snails which I photographed. Snails were seen moving about just below the surface of the water.
    WPT#35 - (approx. 12:00 hrs.)
    N45.09.944 W075.50.376

    Continued on Page Two.