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The Canoe Trip That Wasn't
A late-summer survey of the upper reaches of the Jock River and its tributaries

Aug. 21, 2002

    On this late summer day, we set out with the intention of exploring some section of the Jock River or its tributaries by canoe. We were hoping to pick up where we left off on our June 20th canoe exploration of the Jock River in the Richmond Fen area. We decided to investigate several possible put-ins at bridges located to the west side of Richmond. However, before beginning our reconnaissance, we stopped to check on the progress of the water gauge being constructed by the RVCA at the bridge over the Jock on Franktown Road just east of Wood's Road. Thus far, it appeared as though a concrete footing had been installed but was awaiting some further installation work. (photo below -- taken Sept. 20, 2002)

    Water levels in the river flowing downstream from the south side of the bridge were quite low, indicating that the prospects of finding a launch into the river might be very poor.

Continued on Page Two.