Welcome to our family history site

Thursday 22 February 2007

Welcome to this site which has been created to record various bits and pieces of McDonald family history and genealogy research. Although there are many McDonalds in the world, we’re concentrating on a family of McDonalds that lived in Iroquois and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, in the 20th century.

Every research project has a starting point, and in this case, that point begins with Alfred McDonald and his wife Esther Lancaster (photo on left, click for larger view). On this website, you’ll learn more about their story and other related branches of the family.

Now, just a few words about how this website works. Down below, you’ll find a list of links to pages. Each page will contain some piece of information related to the McDonald family. Although there may not be too much to begin with, in time it’s hoped that the site will grow as materials are added, and as various pieces of family’s tree are revealed.

On the left, you’ll see a heading called Sections. That’s just another way to access the same links listed below.

On the left, you’ll also find a heading called Links. The links listed lead to other sites where you may find something related to the McDonald family or this site. One of those links leads to an online gallery containing old photos of the McDonald family. This may be of interest to you.

One last thing. You’ll see that most parts of this website have the capability of recording comments. If you wish to add some information to this site, or suggest a correction to any piece of information, please use the comments feature to do so.

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* NEW! Some memories of my grandmother, Esther McDonald, by Bev Wigney.
* Events of My Life – memoirs of Alfred McDonald
* War time newspaper story – mainly on Bob McDonald, but other family members as well.
* Hockey news stories – news items from Alfred McDonald’s professional hockey career.
* A. E. “Cap” McDonald – obituary – copy of original newspaper obituary – contributed by Rick Roos, grandson of Alfred E. McDonald.