the return to blogging

I guess I have facebook to thank for my return to blogging. If not for their “news block” tantrum, I probably would have continued to write posts and put up photos there. I haven’t entirely stopped doing so, but I did decide to get back into blogging. I did so for many years and the only reason I stopped was because posting on facebook was faster and easier and I guess I got lazy.

Well, after a dozen posts on this blog, I’m finding it rather nice. Also, for the past couple of days, I’ve been going through my “Journey To The Center” blog which was started just after Don died in September 2008. I can’t tell you how *glad* I am that I kept a blog — a journal — of my life during that time. I’ve been fixing all the broken links in the blog posts – links that no longer work. You might be surprised by how many links go dead in the space of 15 years as websites change or are shut down. Anyhow, I’ve been working at that — I’m up to the end of March 2010 now. It’s been good to see and read those old posts and remember what I was doing and how I was feeling at that time.

I had another blog before that, called Burning Silo. It was mainly about nature, but also about our hikes and travels. It was not as personal as “Journey To The Center”, but it brings back lots of memories as well. Good memories from when Don was alive and we were out hiking, canoeing or snowshoeing every moment that we could.

I’m posting the links to these two blogs here for anyone who wants to look through them. For “Journey To The Center”, I would strongly suggest starting somewhere around the beginning. The first post on the blog was written as I set out on my first trip across the continent in my van, bound for Arizona, with my elderly dog, Sabrina. It starts out a little stiffly. Don had just died about a month before and I was having a pretty hard time, but I soon got into the rhythm of writing – – about our travels through space and through the landscape of the mind. The blog was maintained until around 2012. After that, I just posted sporadically – often just on the anniversary of Don’s passing. However, I may post there again. We’ll see.

Here is a link to the first post on the “Journey To The Center” blog.

Here is a link to the “Burning Silo” blog. Its posts are not really sequential so could be read in just about any order.

2 thoughts on “the return to blogging”

  1. I am so glad that you are back to blogging, Bev. I’ve read all of your blog posts way back in the day. I am looking forward to seeing new posts here and the seasons change there, and reading about the birds and other critters you are seeing. Then, of course, there will be sweet photos of the doggies!

    1. Thanks, Robin. I’m feeling good about getting back to blogging. There will be plenty of nature and dog photos coming up soon! 🙂

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