flip a rock on september 12! 3 comments

Those of you who have been reading since the old days of my nature blog Burning Silo, will be familiar with International Rock Flipping Day. The past couple of years, my life has been so upside down in early September, that I was unable to participate. However, I intend to get out there to flip at least one or two rocks tomorrow to see what lies beneath. Rather than describe what to do, I’m going to send everyone along to read up on the “how to” part at Dave Bonta’s Via Negativa and Susannah’s Wanderin’ Weeta blog. Thanks to Susannah for coordinating this year’s event. Check out the instructions. It’s not at all difficult to participate, whether or not you have a blog of your own. It’s interesting and educational and a great activity to do with children. Just remember to carefully pick up those rocks and then replace them just as you found them. Have fun everyone!
3 Responses to 'flip a rock on september 12!'
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I’m sure glad Susannah volunteered to coordinate it! Our DSL connection is out now for hours at a time.
Well-constructed and meaningful blog wih a bittersweet taste. I have recently created a blog that can’t get off the ground, even though its subject is birds.
…and those in Canada should send any Sowbugs (Woodlice) or Harvestmen they uncover to Don McAlpine at the New Brunswick Museum, who is making good on two centuries of these groups of largely introduced species having been shamefully ignored in Canada.