for dusty   5 comments

Posted at 9:37 pm in Uncategorized

I haven’t posted anything to my blog for three years, but I’m going to try to get back into it. Much of the reason had to do with changing blog hosts and being too busy to figure out how to get everything working. Well, I seem to have figured out how to make it work, so maybe I’m blogging again.

This is a photo that I took a few nights ago. I shoot these images of the Moon from the front doorway of the house, leaning against the door frame to steady myself as I shoot hand held (I don’t care much for using tripods). It’s a bit tricky, but I’ve got the technique down quite well.

When I shoot these Moon photos, I always think of my good friend, Dusty, whom I used to visit on way through New Mexico – going and returning home from Bisbee AZ, each winter. He liked the Moon photos – I shot quite a few to show to him. Dusty and his wife, Kath, both died in 2020. Very sad. I loved visiting them with my dogs a couple of times a year. I’d usually stay 2 or 3 nights before continuing on my way. Lots of late night talks, some good food, sometimes a visit at one of their friends’ places.

Anyhow, this moon photo is for Dusty — taken on Sept. 16, 2021.

Written by Administrator on September 22nd, 2021

5 Responses to 'for dusty'

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  1. Welcome back to the blogging world. I’ve missed your presence here. Love seeing this view of the moon. So beautiful. I’m looking forward to more posts, Bev!

    robin andrea

    22 Sep 21 at 10:30 pm

  2. ❤️

    Lori Witzel

    22 Sep 21 at 10:43 pm

  3. Thanks, Robin. I’ve missed blogging as it definitely isn’t the same as posting on FB. I like being able to go back through my blog looking for certain things. The blog was always part meditation and journal. I know I will use it more now that I’ve got it up and running again.


    23 Sep 21 at 11:04 am

  4. Just a few days ago, out of curiosity, I stopped by here to see if there had been anything posted that I had not seen. Thought about you and Don on September 6. Am not on Facebook and have missed your presence here. We’ve had some clear nights and early morning hours with the moon visible, along with Orion and the Pleiades. Thank you for this beautiful detailed image of the sunlight on the moon. One of my oldest friends who died in 2019 loved looking deep into the night sky with her telescope. She had star maps and would search for particular stars and galaxies. I know she would have loved your moon photo, as I do. Welcome back!


    24 Sep 21 at 10:26 am

  5. It’s a gorgeous photo and I’m in awe of how you’re able to hold so perfectly still, even leaning firmly against the door frame. When I’m shooting anything using high zoom, it seems just breathing blurs the image. I’m looking forward to more of your posts, Bev.

    Carol Doeringer

    26 Sep 21 at 8:35 am

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