music and memories   7 comments

Posted at 7:00 pm in Uncategorized

My dad as a young man, working on a generator at a microwave tower in northern Quebec.

It’s been a long while – a very long while – since I posted anything here. No real explanation for my absence other than that I seem to have been preoccupied by a good many things and not in the mood for writing. However, tonight happens to be the 15th anniversary of my dad’s death so I wanted to put something down in words. As some of you may know, I was his caregiver during the final couple of months of his life. He died in the arms of myself and my husband Don, who is also now gone. It’s sometimes difficult to think of a way to remember someone – a suitable ritual. I’ve been playing a lot of music with my friends down here — a group of musicians who enjoy playing celtic music together a couple of times a week. Tonight, we’ll be playing music together, and that seems like it might be one of the best ways to remember my dad.

Music brings a lot to my life these days. It’s nice to get together with a bunch of good friends to play tunes for a couple of hours. We do it not just for the music, but for the camaraderie, I think. Music has always meant a lot to me – I began playing guitar at a young age, inspired by my parents who also played instruments. I first picked up the guitar after listening to my mom singing and playing folk songs during the 1960s. Both my parents loved to sing and I have many good memories of our musical household. I will dedicate this evening’s music making in memory of my father.

Written by bev wigney on March 17th, 2014

7 Responses to 'music and memories'

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  1. Bev,
    Much affection to you on the occasion of this day. Yes, the music tonight will be an excellent honoring of your father. And too it’s a great pleasure to play music with you here in Bisbee, so stimulating and refreshing! Would that you-all lived here year-round, though when you told me about the Annapolis Valley in NS, I understood why you’ve bonded with that place. And too, thanks for your thoughtful writing.

    Jamie Wahl

    17 Mar 14 at 7:25 pm

  2. It’s nice to see a post here from you. Hope you have great fun tonight. Bisbee is such an eclectic place that it inspires all kinds of artists.


    17 Mar 14 at 7:38 pm

  3. You’ve been in my thoughts. Good to hear from you today. Playing music is a sweet way to celebrate your father’s life. I’m still enjoying playing my autoharp. There is some synchronicity here. Although my relationship with my father was difficult, while working on post to honor him this afternoon I suddenly remembered goofy old old songs he used to sing to us. Of course, I was able to find them on YouTube. Love the photo of your father.


    17 Mar 14 at 7:53 pm

  4. On this 15th anniversary of your dear father’s passing, music is truly the perfect way to mark this day.

    robin andrea

    17 Mar 14 at 8:16 pm

  5. love that photo of your dad.



    17 Mar 14 at 10:25 pm

  6. Dear Bev, great to hear from you again and that you are doing so well. Have missed our stories of how you are doing. I hope you all had lots of fun playing music today. love loes


    21 Mar 14 at 4:57 am

  7. It’s good to hear from you again. About the music and your father — yes, that’s the way to do it. My mother loved music so much I always felt like I was living in a musical comedy. Way back when I was a boy, I would ask her a question and she would sing a song to answer. It was real song, and it was usually actually appropriate to the question.


    3 Apr 14 at 7:53 pm

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