life is good here 8 comments
As usual, it’s taken me forever to update the blog. I’ve had most of these photos uploaded and ready to assemble into a post for over a week, but it seems that there is never enough time to stop and write about what’s going on. Gardening, hiking, going to the farmers’ market, cooking, playing music, painting the floors of the house (more about that project in an upcoming blog post).
However, today, I wanted to share some of the good things about hanging out in this part of Nova Scotia in summer. Let me give you an illustrated tour beginning with a recent pie made from locally grown Cortland apples (see above). This weekend, I’ll be baking a pie from Ida Reds to see how that compares. Next to the pie in the above photo is one of my old folk art pieces. I used to do a lot of carving at one time and these fish were some of my favourites. I’ve got a few boxes of my carvings left over from the occasional studio shows back at the farm, so I’ve been gradually unpacking them and putting the pieces around the house to enjoy.
For the past three summers, one of my weekly rituals has been a visit to the Annapolis Royal Farmers’ Market – at least until my own vegetable garden takes off. I’ve been to the first three of the season since the market moved from its winter quarters over to the market square by the waterfront. It’s great to wander around checking out what everyone has to offer and stocking up on local maple syrup, vegetables, eggs, baked goods and preserves. Upon arriving home, I try to come up with a dish that incorporates some of that bounty. A generous serving of sautéed fiddleheads (young shoots of ferns before they unfurl), and a quiche made with free range eggs, green onions and green garlic from my friends, Nicole and Stewart at Whippletree Farm. They are just down the road from me.
Another weekly tradition has been to buy a loaf or two of bread from one of several bakers who has a table at the market. It’s hard to resist loaves such as the olive or sourdough from the french bakery at Mahone Bay.
Visitors often ask me about dulse after seeing signs for it, or packages in local shops. In fact, throughout the summer, down the road from me, there is a cardboard box marked “DULSE” sitting on an old wooden chair by the roadside. You can stop, put your money in a jar and take a bag. Above is a photo of the bag and, yes, another of my folk art carved fish.
The weather has been quite changeable this past few weeks. However, we finally seem to be into warmer weather. The garden is beginning to grow – especially the potato plants and various greens. I’ve been making more salads like the above potato salad made with fresh eggs, baby spinach leaves and green onions from Nicole and Stewart’s farm. I’m looking forward to the day – coming soon – when the garden here at the house can provide most of what is needed for every meal.
One last photo. As most of you know, I love to garden and have a growing collection of perennials, rose and rhododendron bushes. A couple of weeks ago, it was the Champlain Garden Club’s annual plant sale in Annapolis Royal. Many of my favourite plants were purchased at past sales. More plants were added this spring. As always, the prices were so low and the size of the plants so generous. This year, I came home with a bushel-basket-sized Hosta which I divided it up into several good pieces to populate the shady sections of the garden under the lilacs and locust trees.
Okay, enough for now. I’ll try to get another post together soon — about the painted floor project going on here at the house.
8 Responses to 'life is good here'
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Love seeing what you’re cooking up in Nova Scotia. Looks yummy and very inspirational. I forget about making quiche, until I see a pic of one. Your fish carvings are so beautiful. Looks like it’s going to be a wonderful and delicious summer!
Sweet. It looks like it is good and healthy. The fish carvings look beautiful
Good to hear from you! Fun to see the carved fishes in with the delicious-looking food and the lush greenery as the summer solstice approaches. After all these years living this far north, I’m still surprised at the many hours of daylight — although the daylight here is often muted by the cloud cover. I’ve been putting dulse in the soup I make daily. The dulse comes from Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Inc., Franklin, Maine. Loved seeing the photos of the Suffolk Punches at Whippletree Farm along with the Upcoming veggies. Yes, life is good.
Hi Bev
Love the fish.
Thanks everyone!
am – It seems light until so late in the evening here. I agree – surprise at that! Glad that you enjoyed seeing some of the Whippletree Farm photos! -
Yum. And the fish, too. I think my wife would love the olive bread.
Cortlands are the only apples I cook with but I will have to wait for fall to get more. Last year’s apple crop was disastrous in S. Ontario. All your food looks delicious!
Glad to see your post, Bev, and happy that you’re enjoying the start of gardening season! I’ve never tried fiddlehead ferns…but they look delicious, as does that quiche…and everything else on the page (well, I wouldn’t eat the fish).