pleasant surprises 5 comments
Each year when I arrive at my home here in Canada, there is always a stack of mail “too large to forward” to the southwest. Among the junk and other mail, there are generally a few large parcels containing books and magazines. These are usually publications that have made use of one or more of my photos. This spring, there were two very nice books in the mail stack. One is Dennis Paulson’s Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East (Princeton University Press, 2011). My photo of a female Eastern Least Clubtail (Stylogomphus albistylus) appears on page 311. The other is a copy of Carolyn Mallory’s Common Insects of Nunavut, and includes my photo of a Thanatus formicinus crab spider on page 143. The neat thing about this book is that the text is published in both Inuktitut and English. One cover and half of the book is in Inuktitut, and the other in English. Below, I’ve included a photo of the Inuktitut cover. If you would like to read more about the creation of this publication, check out this web page. In any case, these two new books make nice additions to my natural history library of field guides.
5 Responses to 'pleasant surprises'
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congrats on the honor(s) Bev, well deserved I’m sure. I’ve read good reviews on the dragonfly guide, might have to add that one to my overburdened shelves.
Well, I just discovered a new place. Nunavut. Here’s a link to a little information on a huge piece (or pieces) of the continent.
How fascinating. I had heard of the Inuit, but have never seen anything written in their language. Wow! Bravo, Bev! -
Such great acknowledgement of your beautiful photography, bev! Congratulations.
Your photos of insects are distinctive and engaging. I’m not surprised that they continue to be used in books and magazines. As you might remember, your insect photos completely changed the way I relate to insects.
The grass on the ground behind the books is looking good! Glad to hear that you and Sabrina and Sage have arrived at your northern home after having a good winter in Bisbee.