bisbee art   10 comments

Posted at 12:44 pm in Uncategorized

Once again, I have been missing in action for a couple or so weeks. It seems I’ve been busy with one thing or another. At the moment, I’m working on an visual and performance art installation for the Central School Project’s annual mystery ball (see info below). I’ll be posting some photos of works in progress sometime within the next few days. Anyhow, I’ve been getting out for long daily hikes along the trails in the mountains.

Awhile back, I mentioned that I would post a few photos of art pieces which were purchased the evening of the Cochise College Pit Fire Party. I finally got around to editing a few photos. The arts department had assembled several tables of ceramics and other works and objects for a silent auction to raise funds for arts programs. I bid on several pieces and also purchased a couple of items from ceramics artists who had set up displays of their work.

One of the pieces that I successfully bid on was the above vase by Lee Marshall (click on all images for larger views). It’s a neat slump-shaped vase with cats on three sides. I like to think that these are “big cats” rather than house cats — perhaps even one of the elusive Jaguars known to be here in the Sky Islands region of southeast Arizona.

Marcia Gibbons was one of the artists who had set up a display of her work. I purchased the above pair of dog and moon tiles from her. At the moment, I have no particular use in mind, but just loved the images. No doubt, I’ll find somewhere to display them when I get back to the Nova Scotia house this summer.

The above mask was one of the “objects” that was included in the silent auction fundraiser. It’s a demon mask – probably from Nepal. Of course, Sage was immediately interested when I carried it into the house. Every time I left it sitting within reach, she began investigating the demon’s face – particularly the eyes and mouth. I snapped this photo of Sage and her new friend outside the house which I rented for a month after arriving in Bisbee in November.

That’s all for now. I’ll try to put up a few short posts about some of the doings that have been happening around here over the past few weeks, as well as updates on the art installation for the Mystery Ball coming up on February 18th!

Written by bev wigney on January 24th, 2012

10 Responses to 'bisbee art'

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  1. It’s wonderful news that your life has been full with friends, music, creativity and hiking. I very much like the art work by Lee Marshall and Marcia Gibbons. Wow! Has a year passed since the last Mystery Ball? I remember that series of photos you posted.


    24 Jan 12 at 1:18 pm

  2. I really like the work you purchased. Bisbee is such a creative environment, maybe a vortex for art there 😉 I really love getting to share your experience there this way.


    24 Jan 12 at 2:00 pm

  3. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Bev, and that you’re pursuing that musical bent! Great art, too!


    24 Jan 12 at 2:54 pm

  4. sounds like you are enjoying your winter retreat with art, laughter, music, and good food! it is always fun to hear from you and see the photographs of the life you are creating. looking forward to the next chapter!


    24 Jan 12 at 3:30 pm

  5. Love all your purchases. It’s easy to see why you purchased the tiles. (grin) I’m sure the cats incised in your pot are “big” cats. There is something about their angularity and muscle structure that does not seem at all like that of a house cat.

    Now that mask! Wow! How heavy is that? That is fabulous. Are those faces on the headdress? You certainly chose well. Pretty soon you will have your own art museum at Round Hill.


    24 Jan 12 at 10:45 pm

  6. am – Yes, isn’t it amazing how the year has flown by. I sometimes think that is related to the number of things that happen over that span of time.

    Rain – There are so many creative people in this town – artists, musicians, and those who do interesting things with their houses or gardens. For anyone with an artistic nature, it is certainly easy to feel inspired.

    John – It’s been fun to let my musical side emerge for the first time in a very long while.

    Sky – I’m looking forward to the next chapter too! It’s as much a mystery for me as it is for anyone else!

    Joan – The mask is not particularly heavy. The little pieces along the top of the headdress do seem to resemble faces, but are quite abstract. Yes, Round Hill is becoming a little like a museum already.

    bev wigney

    25 Jan 12 at 10:27 am

  7. Your life in Bisbee sounds very full and good. Beautiful art, friends, hiking, and music. The perfect way to spend a winter.

    robin andrea

    25 Jan 12 at 11:03 am

  8. Great vases! My first thought on seeing them was that they were panthers, though the head on the first one reminds me of Egypt. There are stories of a black cougar having been seen on the mountain ridge above the canyon on the mainland, just to the East of our place at Nicol Island on Lake Superior. I don’t understand why people would want to have a demon around, or a gargoyle for that matter. The demons I have encountered have no humanity left, they are just raw negative emotion out to inflict harm, usually in a howling mob. Better to leave them undisturbed in their stone city, floating in that dark dimension where they belong. I believe the way to avoid demons is to chose doing good over succumbing to evil in life.

    Jim Poushinsky

    26 Jan 12 at 12:03 am

  9. Hi Bev

    I really enjoyed this post it sounds like you are keeping busy and that life there ia a nice contrast to summers fixing up your old farmhouse. It was great to see someone hauling home art and artifacts to brighten their life. When I see houses without art or people with nothing surrounding them but mass produced clutter I always feel sad. I think we do need to keep a connection to the artist and the craftsman. To understand that for most of mankinds time on earth things whether paintings, meals or gardens were the work of the minds and the hands of people like us.

    All the best.


    26 Feb 12 at 6:09 pm

  10. Gorgeous work, and I am looking forward to seeing your own!


    4 Mar 12 at 8:41 am

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