February 14th, 2006
bad dogs!
It’s always a bit difficult figuring out how to start something new.
I’m not gonna sweat over that too much, so this is how things begin…
A couple of weeks ago, while hiking in a nearby forest, a dog sled came shushing around a bend just ahead of us. We… Don and I and our collie, Sabrina, made a hasty retreat onto the snowbanks to the side of the trail, trying to leave ample room so as not to distract the dog team. Camera in hand, I quickly aimed, hoping to get a nice shot of the team and sled whizzing past.
However, things did not quite go according to plan.
Instead, the lead pair of dogs peeled off the trail and clambered over the snow towards us. As can be seen in the accompanying photo, the nearest dog was determined to take a chunk out of our dog’s butt. The dog to the left looks like it’s licking its chops in anticipation of live rump roast. This shot was taken just a split second before the two dogs began snapping at the empty air which had been occupied by our dog’s behind just a moment before.
Sabrina, not having just fallen off the turnip wagon yesterday, was quick to size up the situation and spun behind and between us, and barked sharply, “We’re gonna kick your butts off!!!” However, being more the pacifist types (who else would own a collie?), the three of us attempted to retreat a little farther off the trail.
Meanwhile, the sled driver shouted at his dogs… “Straight on, Straight On!!!”
Fortunately, the hind pair of dogs were more inclined to listen and forged ahead, pulling the devil-dog pair back onto the trail. In just a few moments, the team was disappearing around the next bend — the driver calling back to us.. “Sorry about that! Sometimes they can be very bad dogs!!!”
No kidding!
June 23rd, 2006 at 7:16 pm
Wow. They were really bad :) Very impressive photo.
February 15th, 2007 at 5:12 pm
[…] First, before I write anything more, I must say that I was a little disappointed to discover that I had *missed* taking note of Burning Silo’s first anniversary. Yes, indeed, a year ago yesterday, I wrote my first post on – of all things – a somewhat hair-raising encounter with a dog sled team! And here I am today, writing about another aspect of winter living here in the not-so-Frozen-North. […]
February 16th, 2007 at 1:07 am
Yes, definitely bad dogs.
February 18th, 2007 at 6:42 pm
White dogs be gone!