May 25th, 2008
we’re here!
After something of a false start, I appear to be back to blogging. I have several posts waiting in the wings, but won’t put them all up at once lest I send anyone into shock. Anyhow, yes, it looks like I’ll have a little more time for writing now, so will try to keep up with some of the things that I’ve been seeing and photographing. As mentioned in my last post back on May 4th (yes, it really has been that long), the night moth activity has been rapidly picking up here at the farm. On most warm nights, we get a couple of dozen moths coming to the living room windows in the evening. I usually flick on the front porch light for about 20 minutes and step outside to brave the mosquitoes and shoot some pics of the moths that collect there. I’ve been getting some nice shots which I’ll post as I get time to do more IDs.
In the meantime, yes, we’re here! Finally, we appear to have arrived at that point where the weather is reasonably and reliably warm most days. Yesterday, Don, Sabrina and I had to go to Smiths Falls for a couple of things, so we worked in a couple of stops at small conservation areas in the general vicinity — Motts Mills, and Portland Bay. As we turned into the small parking lot at Motts Mills, we were greeted by 3 pairs of geese escorting their goslings to the creek above the dam.
I managed to click off a few photos through the car window as we gave the families some time to cross the lawn and get themselves adrift. The parents seemed very attentive and protective, with much hissing and honking along the way. It always seems remarkable how well and fast fluffy goslings and ducklings can swim, and these young birds didn’t disappoint me.
Although it’s just a small conservation area, I’ve always thought there’s something very special about the view upstream into the marshy reach of the creek. I’ve probably shot photos from this vantage point (see above) on at least a half-dozen occasions and there’s just something about the way the water reflects the sky that makes me feeling like launching my canoe and going exploring.
Yesterday, lilacs were in full bloom in the hedgerows throughout the countryside. This was one such stand beyond a split rail fence at Motts Mills. The lilacs and apple trees are in bloom at our farm now and it does seem to cofirm that we’re here — summer is on our doorstep.
Tags: Canada Geese, Branta canadensis
May 25th, 2008 at 9:42 am
It’s so good to see a post here, Bev, and such a beautiful one at that. It looks like you, Don, and Sabrina had a great walk. Love the geese and those babies. And, yes, there is something about looking upstream at that marshy, reflective expanse that makes everything in the world seem just right. Looking forward to seeing what you’ve been looking at lately. Welcome back.
May 25th, 2008 at 1:18 pm
No false starts here! Thanks for the view of a fast start into an Ontario summer. It made me realize that maybe one of our climatological differences is a very protracted spring, for us, and right now we’re pretty much on par. Those skies and green landscapes look just about like ours, and I can feel the humidity creeping up!
That means that while us Southern species are taking a typically lackadaisical approach toward commencement, yours are probably popping up all at once.
Loved the photo of the geese – everyone of them suspiciously has you in their view, and all in the same way, with the goslings on the safe side as need be!
May 25th, 2008 at 9:06 pm
Bev, I’m delighted to see your post and, of course, I’m thrilled at the geese, the goslings, and the apparent unrelenting outbreak of Spring! The photo of the geese and goslings made me think of our recent experience at a nearby pond, where we saw 3 sets of ducks and their offspring…one with 12 (I’ve never seen anything like it), one with 8, and another with 6 or 8. And there was one whose young were so small she was still sitting on them as they tried to pop out from under her.
May 26th, 2008 at 6:30 am
Spring has progressed slowly with us, too.
Cooler than normal temps and a very wet, rainy several weeks have made for lovely, lush woods.
I always like to see families of geese–they seem to be such competant, well-organized parents!
May 26th, 2008 at 10:56 am
robin – it’s great to be out seeing the countryside in all of its summer glory. There are so many good places to appreciate it and we intend to visit all of them!
wayne – You’re so right about the geese — the adults never take their eyes off you for a second. Very watchful! I was thinking the same about our weather, the speed of progress of leaf growth, etc… While things take much longer to get started up here as compared to how they are in Georgia, once the process gets rolling, it all happens very quickly. And, yes, you’re right about the humidity. It’s starting to climb here too. Another month and we’ll definitely be hitting the hot, humid weather of summer.
John – Thanks! We used to keep ducks here at our farm and they can raise some very large hatches. That’s probably just as well as there are so many predators that dine on yound ducks and geese. No wonder the parents are so watchful.
Nina – Our spring was kind of odd this year — it came in fits and starts. However, I guess we’re finally settling into summer weather now. But you’re quite right about the lovely, lush woods. That’s just how it is here too.
I was trying to think of a way to describe the good families and you’ve nailed it exactly —competent and well-organized parents. That’s just how they come across.
May 27th, 2008 at 12:37 pm
Beautiful shots. After some of your posts from earlier this year, I was wondering if all that snow would be melted by July. The weather had finally started to all ow me to get some insect shots, after way too long doing without. I’ll bet you’re feeling much the same.
May 31st, 2008 at 5:16 pm
Good to see your photos again. It’s cool and overcast here in NW Washington, still feels barely like spring. I love the Canada Geese family portraits and especially love the sunshiny scene with the big sky and the split rail fence.
June 3rd, 2008 at 8:32 am
Doug – Thanks! I was kind of wondering how long it would take for the snow to go away too! The insect activity has been quite slow so far this year, but began to pick up over the past week. The weather has been so erratic — windy, cool, the odd rainy day — just enough to drive the insects into hiding. Can’t wait for the things to heat up just a little.
am – Thanks – I really do miss posting on my blog, but am so busy that I barely seem to have time to get anything written. I loved that scene of the fence, lilacs and sky too. I just turned around from where I was standing watching the geese and thought, “Wow!”.