August 3rd, 2007
update on the outdoor WiMax modem
I’m catching up on my posting this morning and thought I’d lead off with an update on the new outdoor WiMax modem.
The night before last, I ran a connection speed test — this with the modem clamped to a long walking stick fastened to a post in the back sun porch. The test site said that the modem was receiving 966.6 kbps. That’s very fast compared to my dial-up, but not up to the speed of service that I’ve subscribed to from Rogers. According to the lights on the bottom of the modem, I had a rather poor connection (one steady light and sometimes a second light flashing). Last night, we did some rather heavy-handed selective pruning of a couple of large, very bushy trees not far from the house — both seemed to be in the line of sight of the modem. When finished, the modem was displaying two steady lights which is considered so-so but okay. I checked the connection speed last night and it was 1,511 kbps (a little over the 1.5mps of my level of service). This morning, I checked the modem and it had two steady lights and a third flashing. Connection speed was at 1.692 kbps when I checked it just a few minutes ago — and it does seem peppy this morning. We have a bit more pruning to do. I expect that once we’re finished, we should have a fairly solid connection and the modem should be achieving at least 1.5mps. As of this time, the modem is still clamped to the walking stick and I’m thinking of leaving it there if the connection speed is decent. I’d rather have it down where I can easily adjust it, and also not have to drill holes into the eaves or siding of the house for the mounting brackets. All in all, I’m pleased with the unit so far. I believe it may be the answer in our situation.
Tags: Rogers outdoor WiMax modem, Motorola Expedience modem, model OSU 2510 RV modem
August 3rd, 2007 at 7:37 am
That’s nice! We are still waffling on the satellite internet. Or at least I am. My wife is the one stuck with a jar full of molasses instead of an internet connection at home.
August 3rd, 2007 at 7:49 am
Mark – You mentioned that there’s wireless in Rome. Are people using those plug-in indoor portable modems? If so, I would suspect that one of these outdoor modems might work at your place. I’ve been reading a couple of digital forums and some people who are outside of cities which have WiMax and the plug-in indoor modems are getting decent reception. Of course the internet provider would have to offer this kind of unit, but do check around to see if they’re available – or perhaps will be made available soon. If you could find a company that has a 30-day return policy, I’d give it a shot.
August 3rd, 2007 at 7:56 am
Bev, I’m not sure what they use in Rome, but the city’s Web site says currently the power is so low that most people will not be able to get service on their wireless-equipped laptops indoors. I have a feeling this may be two different types of technology.
I just happened to read a June PC Magazine article about WiMax service in Seoul, South Korea. The article said some US “experts” think WiMax might be useful to serve rural areas, but others are not optimistic about WiMax in the US. Great. We live about ten miles from the center of a 50,000 population and our broadband options are every bit as good as someone living at the end of a 10-mile dirt road in the middle of Wyoming.
August 3rd, 2007 at 8:14 am
Mark – You’ve probably already seen this, but I just did a quick check and found this page which seems to describe the various systems that are available in Georgia (I’m not sure how current this is). Some of them sound interesting and as though there are companies working on solutions. However, if it’s like “up here” it seems like the the whole broadband industry is a bit of a confusing mess. If I happen to come across a discussion forum for your area, I’ll let you know. There seem to be people everywhere who are trying to figure out what works where.
August 3rd, 2007 at 8:18 am
Thanks, Bev, I did see that. In fact, I followed a link to the Rome provider (my former dialup ISP that didn’t support Macs) but could find nothing on their Web site other than a mention that it is currently offered only for business. I suppose since I’m self employed I might qualify. Maybe I’ll give them a call. If they have a tower in Rome, it’s almost a certainty that we can see it from our deck, although from a distance.
August 3rd, 2007 at 10:07 am
That’s a very speedy connection, Bev. There is hope for those of us who seek solitude in the hinterlands, but want to connect with the world virtually at the speed of light.
August 3rd, 2007 at 10:41 am
robin – the connection seems quite fast. I guess my only real concern is about reliability of the signal, but we probably won’t get a feel for that for awhile yet. I can foresee that, with this technology being relatively new to our area, there may be the odd glitch, and I can live with that so long as the problems aren’t major. My feeling is that we’ll probably see much more of this technology in use before long, and it will improve as use becomes more widespread. It will probably end up being a lot like the early days of the new generation of satellite TV dishes. It’s been a long while since we got one for Don to watch tv. We were about the first people in the area to buy one at the time and it was sort of dodgy to get tech support — and the service used to cut out fairly often. However, within about a year, tons of people had dishes and the reliability of the service had greatly improved. My guess is that this WiMAX technology is going to follow a similar curve. So, yes, I do believe there’s hope that this might turn out to be a solution for those who haven’t got access to DSL or cable.
August 3rd, 2007 at 7:35 pm
August 4th, 2007 at 1:06 am
Wish I had your speed Bev, I’m on 512/128, 52 KB/sec download speed, 1 gig peak and 1 gig off peak download for forty bucks a month.
August 4th, 2007 at 6:52 am
Cathy – Yes! Yea!!! (-:
Duncan – The level of service I’m supposed to have is 1.5 mps download, and 256 kbps upload. I believe there has been unlimited download until recently, but from what I gather, there’s going to be a limit of 60 gigs – price is $49.95 per month. I’ve run a few speed tests over the past couple of days since trimming the tree branches and seem to be getting anywhere from 1.2 to 1.6 mps. If we trimmed a few more branches, we could probably improve the signal, but I think this is good enough, so we won’t bother. In any case, it sure is nice having a good connection after all of these years! (-:
February 5th, 2009 at 10:53 am
Yes! i have found a solution! I have converted an 18 inch dish and adapted the mount for the receiver! 3 lights not solid four LED’s and at most times 5 LED’s. It’s mounted on Roof Top to avoid line of site of large trees….Iam going to try to use a 2 foot and 3 foot dish on other customers
July 28th, 2009 at 12:30 pm
вспомогательная мужская половая железа, железисто-мышечный орган, вырабатывающий щелочной причина, входящий в смесь спермы. Протоки простатических желез открываются в простатическую часть мочеиспускательного канала. У пожилых мужчин может наблюдаться увеличение предстательной железы (доброкачественная гипертрофия предстательной железы (congenial prostatic hypertrophy, BPH)). Это приводит к сдавлению шейки мочевого пузыря, нарушая прохождение сквозь нее мочи. Мочевой пузырь растягивается, насилие в нем увеличивается и начинает передаваться ретроградно посредством мочеточники в почечную лоханку, чашечки и далее к почечным нефронам, сколько приводит к их повреждению и нарушению функции почек. В процессе лечения больному назначаются различные лекарственные вещества (см. Финастерид) тож выполняется простатэктомия.