April 9th, 2007
sabrina with a couple of reminders
Sabrina hasn’t appeared for awhile, so here’s a very recent image taken during one of our walks around the farm. I believe she had just finished woofing at a vehicle moving suspiciously slowly along the nearby roadway. Slow moving vehicles always attract her attention.
Now, for a few reminders before I put up my main post for today:
* The next edition of Good Planets will be appearing at A Mark on My Wall on April 14th. If you would like to send in a photo, please do so this week, the earlier, the better. Send your submissions to – vbennett [at] umich.edu
* The Good Planets archive, has recently been updated by Pam of Tortoise Trail. Drop by for a visit if you would like to see some of the wonderful images submitted for Good Planets in the past.
* The next edition of Festival of the Trees will be appearing at Flatbush Gardener. Xris has posted a call for submissions on his blog. You can read the guidelines for submissions there.
* I’ll be giving a talk and slide presentation on nature photography at the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club meeting at the Canadian Museum of Nature at Metcalfe and McLeod Street on April 10th (tomorrow evening). If you’re interested in more info, please see the events page on the OFNC website. From what I’ve been told, non-members are welcome. I don’t know if there is an admission fee, but if so, it’s probably quite small. Hopefully, all will go well and it will be an interesting evening.
Tags: Good Planets, Festival of the Trees, Canadian Museum of Nature
April 9th, 2007 at 2:26 pm
Sabrina is such a beauty. I always like seeing photos of her. Thanks for all of these reminders. If I lived in Ottawa, I’d definitely stop by the museum for your talk.
April 9th, 2007 at 6:35 pm
Awwwww. A Sabrina picture :0) She’s beautiful.
April 9th, 2007 at 7:01 pm
robin and cathy – Yes, she is a beauty. Such a nice temperament too. Yes, wish everyone lived close by as it would be fun to do this talk for friends. I’ve got quite the line-up of slides selected for tomorrow night, so I hope everyone will enjoy the talk.
April 10th, 2007 at 9:36 pm
Just a slide show of your pictures would constitute a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Add your enthusiasm and love of nature and you’ve got one lucky audience. Wish I could sit in on one of these :0)
April 10th, 2007 at 9:50 pm
Cathy – I just got home from the slide presentation a little while ago. It went well! I spoke and showed slides for an hour (120 slides), and then answered questions for about 30-40 minutes, then answered questions from a few people who came up to me after that. And now I’m tired! I’m not used to speaking for so long anymore as I’m such a hermit. Anyhow, it seemed like everything enjoyed the photos and the talk. Great bunch of people.
April 11th, 2007 at 9:58 am
Great, Bev. I’m not even a teensy surprised that there was a glow in that room.
Oh yeah, the ‘hermit’ mode. I’ve been there, too. These last weeks have not been conducive to mixing it up. Sharing the love of nature with others is generally as close to a religious experience as I’m going to get. So, you’ve inspired me to head out to the next TNA gathering. Yep. You got it: T.N.A. The Toledo Naturalist Association :0)