recently read or seen – and enjoyed

After a couple of false starts, it seems that spring may finally have arrived here at the farm. Yesterday, I saw a little spider and insect activity, and last night, Don heard Woodcock peenting back in the fields behind the barn. I have quite a bit of paper work to do around here this week (arrrggh!), so the posting will probably be light for a few more days, but here is some really wonderful reading and beautiful photos that I would like to recommend. But first, another reminder that Circus of the Spineless, the invertebrate blog carnival, will be appearing here at Burning Silo in a few day’s time. If you have a piece that you would like to submit, please do email it to me a.s.a.p.!

Now, back to these wonderful posts:

* It’s probably no secret that I’ve been enjoying reading about Pete McGregor’s travels in India. Here’s the latest of his writings and photography at Pohanginapete.

* Also, from one of my favourite blogs — robin has posted a terrific series of photos of a special visitor to the garden at Dharma Bums.

* On her blog, Dzonoqua’s Whistle, Celeste has posted a super series of vintage images of “stump homes”.

* Here’s something far too amazing to keep to myself. I stumbled upon it on Pbase while doing some work on my own photo galleries that are also hosted there. It’s a photo gallery called Intertidal Connections by photographer, Norman Rich, from Vancouver, B.C. Go take a look – it’s a real treat for the eyes.

* Recently, Carel posted another of his well-researched and wonderfully illustrated natural history essays – this one on Softshell turtles, at Rigor Vitae.

Okay, that’s it for today. Back to work here. Hope you enjoy all of the above.

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3 Responses to “recently read or seen – and enjoyed”

  1. robin andrea Says:

    Pohangina Pete’s writings and photographs are as close to being there as I’ve ever seen. His work is absolutely stunning and evocative. I’ll take a look at the other links here, and thanks so much for the shout out, bev.

  2. Paul Sunstone Says:

    Intertidal Connections is wonderful! Thanks for the tip. I’ve added the site to my sidelinks.

  3. burning silo Says:

    robin – I feel the same way about Pete’s writing and photographs. His descriptions feel like paintings to me. I think you’ll enjoy the Intertidal Connections photos by Norman Rich. He’s got a terrific eye — and of course, the location on the B.C. coast makes for some wonderful subjects.

    Paul – I’m glad you visited and enjoyed Intertidal Connections. Aren’t some of the photos just amazing! (-: