Archive for August, 2007

snakes alive

Monday, August 20th, 2007

As I’ve probably mentioned recently, we haven’t been hiking off the farm too much this summer, mainly because the deer flies have been horrendous in a few of our favourite forests. Also, we’re trying to cut back on our vehicle trips, so we try to work our hiking adventures in alongside necessary errands. Yesterday, we […]

weird sky

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Tonight, at around 8:15 p.m., Don called me to bring my camera and look at this weird cloud formation. This is not the sunset, but some clouds almost opposite the direction of the setting sun (click on images for larger view). I’m guessing that they were picking up some of the light from the sun, […]

thinking about food

Thursday, August 16th, 2007

We’re not really too much for desserts, but do make an exception when Ontario peaches come in. We do the same when the Ontario grown Ida Red apples are available later in the season. Yesterday, I made the above pie from a basket of Ontario freestone peaches that Don brought home on Tuesday evening. How […]

august insects

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

Two-striped Grasshopper ~ Melanoplus bivitattus A little over a week ago, I wrote about how summer has turned the corner and it now feels like autumn is in the air. Since then, here at the farm, the sense that autumn in almost upon us has grown stronger. Milkweed have formed pods, while Goldenrod, Yarrow and […]

fresh from the garden

Monday, August 13th, 2007

We’re now being snowed under by an avalanche of ripe tomatoes from our garden. I’ve been making salsa and sauces for pasta, and using tomatoes in most of our meals for the past couple of weeks. This year, I grew 3 varieties of tomatoes — Costoluto Genovese, Manitoba, and Yellow Pear. Manitoba was the “new” […]

nothing wasted

Friday, August 10th, 2007

Yesterday, while I was picking vegetables and herbs to make a tomato pie, I discovered two Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) butterfly caterpillars in the Dill plants. That wasn’t really such a big surprise, but it was neat to find that one of the caterpillars had just molted (see above photo – click on all photos […]

a few recent moth sightings

Thursday, August 9th, 2007

Copper Underwing Moth (Amphipyra pyramidoides) This summer, I havent’ been quite so diligent as intended when it comes to photographing night moths. Oh, I had great plans for this year, but by the time the moths come out in full force (usually around 10 p.m. or so), I don’t feel much like standing around on […]