Archive for January, 2007

a midnight serenade

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

Last night, just a short while before midnight, the local Coyote (Canis latrans) pack dropped by to serenade me. Being a little slow off the mark, I didn’t think to record their song for the first couple of minutes, and then I realized that the memory card was out of my camera, so I had […]

the mystery of the marked trees

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

A couple of days ago, in my hiking report from Mill Pond Conservation Area, I wrote about some trees that are marked with numerals written in blue paint. We first noticed the marked stand of trees in one region of the forest some time ago – I can’t quite remember when, but it’s probably been […]

sorting out the photo closet

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

Now that temperatures have dropped and there’s a bit of snow on the ground, I finally seem to be in the mood to work on some of the projects I had planned for this winter. By far, the most daunting is sorting and editing the past couple of years of photos – and then getting […]

along the lime kiln trail at mill pond conservation area

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

Yesterday, I said I’d put up something nice for those who didn’t appreciate the post about spiders, so consider this to be it. About a week ago, we spent a couple of hours hiking the Lime Kiln Trail at Mill Pond Conservation Area which lies a few miles south of Smiths Falls. I shot quite […]

a look at goldenrod crab spiders

Sunday, January 21st, 2007

Recently, I had to scare up some photos of Goldenrod Crab Spiders (Misumena vatia) for a photo researcher. That got me thinking that I probably haven’t written anything much about these spiders in the past. This seems like as good a time as any to remedy the situation, so I’ve picked out several photos to […]

a frog in the hand is worth . . . ?

Friday, January 19th, 2007

Green Frog (Rana clamitans) in the hands of a Grade 10 science student during a one-day stream survey workshop on the Jock River near Ottawa (May 2004). Earlier today, Wayne and I got into a small discussion in the comments that followed my post from a couple of days ago. In essence, we were batting […]

the open laboratory

Thursday, January 18th, 2007

In case you haven’t already heard, The Open Laboratory: The Best Writing on Science Blogs 2006 is completed and now available in either print or as a .pdf download. Edited by Bora Zivkovic (aka Coturnix) of A Blog Around The Clock, the anthology contains posts by 50 authors who made the final cut from among […]