Archive for May, 2006

last call for ‘Circus of the Spineless’ submissions

Friday, May 26th, 2006

Submissions for the 9th edition of Circus of the Spineless have been rolling in for the past couple of days. This is just a reminder to all that COTS will be taking place on May 31st, here at Burning Silo. If you have a post about invertebrates that you would like to submit, please send […]

windblown world – part two

Thursday, May 25th, 2006

Yesterday, I wrote about how dragonflies battled high winds by sheltering inside of the many small Beech saplings that grow along the trail on the north side of Murphys Point on Big Rideau Lake. In part two of this account, we’ve moved away from the lake and are now in a forest opening — a […]

a lovely green thing

Thursday, May 25th, 2006

Do you ever see something that you really can’t wait to show to your friends? This afternoon, I found something like that and decided to post the photos tonight — and besides, part two of Monday’s hike was going to be my post for tomorrow. So, what did I find today? A lovely little caterpillar […]

windblown world

Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

On Monday, we hiked one of our favourite trails (The Point Trail at Murphy’s Point Provincial Park) to look for invertebrate activity. Today’s post is the first of two parts with the rest to follow tomorrow. The afternoon was cool with a few showers just before we set out on the trail. Winds were brisk […]

great blue

Monday, May 22nd, 2006

Yesterday, while on our way to a favourite hiking spot, we stopped while I photographed this Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). It was perched on a stump in a quiet bay next to the roadway. Tags: Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias

bees with excess baggage

Monday, May 22nd, 2006

Following yesterday’s post about Honey Bees, Robin Andrea commented, “I wonder how much pollen a bee can fly with. Do you think they ever overdo it? Gather too much? It is an impressive amount for such tiny creatures to carry.” It’s a good question and I wonder if anyone has done research on this? I’ve […]

a gathering of honeybees

Sunday, May 21st, 2006

I hadn’t really intended to post much over the weekend, but yesterday’s rain kept us indoors for most of the day. This morning is looking even less promising — rain pouring down and looking as though it has no intentions of letting up. So, I’ll use this “opportunity” to write about something that happened earlier […]