Archive for April, 2006

osprey island

Saturday, April 15th, 2006

In recent years, nesting Osprey have become a common sight throughout much of eastern Ontario. A few days ago, I wrote about a pair of Osprey that had built a nest atop of a light pole over the projection booth at a local drive-in theatre. However, our favourite pair are much less social than the […]

wood frog movie

Saturday, April 15th, 2006

A few of days ago, I mentioned having shot some DV footage of breeding Wood Frogs (Rana sylvatica) in 2002. This morning, I scared up the footage and made a small QT movie clip from a section of it. The clip is about 25 seconds long and approx. 905kb and has a soundtrack. I should […]

the carrion gang

Thursday, April 13th, 2006

A couple of nights ago, while out for our evening walk, I stopped to examine a beetle which was moving about on some coyote scat beside the trail through the woods here at the farm. It turned out to be some species of Carrion Beetle (see above). I think it might be a species of […]

i and the bird #21

Thursday, April 13th, 2006

The 21st edition of I and the Bird is now up at Cup o’ Books. It’s a super edition with links to many interesting blogs. Further, Seth has put it together in a unique format. Rather than explain, I would just encourage everyone to just go and see it. For any IATB visitors who have […]

wood frog eggs

Wednesday, April 12th, 2006

This afternoon, I donned tall rubber boots and went for a wade up the drainage ditch to search for Wood Frogs (Rana sylvatica) and their eggs. It didn’t take long to find the first egg mass which measured 10 to 12 cm. across and was floating in water about 25 cm. deep. Frogs were heard […]

the wood frogs are back

Wednesday, April 12th, 2006

This morning, while doing some yard work, I heard the distant clacking “quack” of Wood Frogs (Rana sylvatica) coming from the old drainage ditch that cuts through our farm (sound file is about 335kb). My dog and I went back to investigate and found several frogs swimming about among the cattails. Each year, around April […]

cryptic mourning cloaks

Monday, April 10th, 2006

Yesterday, while hiking at Murphy’s Point, we spotted several Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), and what looked to be a Grey Comma (Polygonia progne). At this time of the year, with the forest floor scattered with winter-bleached leaves over dark, bare earth, it’s surprisingly difficult to spot Anglewing butterflies unless you happen to catch sight of […]