Category Archive for 'Weather'

Brown Pelicans – part one

Monday, November 5th, 2007

This is a continuation of the posts from my recent trip to California and Oregon. I’ll probably be jumping back and forth a bit between here and there for awhile yet. ~ * ~ As some of you may remember, last year, while Don and I were tripping along the northern California coast, we encountered […]

i’m seeing red

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

I’m seeing red — leaves, that is. The Red Maple on the front lawn has just begun to change colour. Soon, the nearby Sugar Maple (not pictured) will be glowing golden-orange. The High-bush Cranberries are a deep reddish-purple. While out for my evening walk in the woods yesterday, I was thinking of how the trees […]

the return of the phenological grasshoppers

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

Around mid-September last year, I wrote about the phenological grasshoppers that come to our front porch to lay eggs each year. Now, as mentioned yesterday, I’ve been doing quite a bit of work on the front porch — replacing some of the deck boards that were looking rather ragged, etc… So, late yesterday afternoon, having […]

dawn — august 22, 2007

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

This is the sky I woke up to this morning. Actually, the pink was much deeper and even somewhat startling when I first opened my eyes and saw the sky filled with pink clouds. Deciding that I should take a photo, I went to get my camera and, because I was still half asleep, it […]

weird sky

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Tonight, at around 8:15 p.m., Don called me to bring my camera and look at this weird cloud formation. This is not the sunset, but some clouds almost opposite the direction of the setting sun (click on images for larger view). I’m guessing that they were picking up some of the light from the sun, […]

it’s been hot

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

Yes, indeed, it’s been hot this past few weeks. Hot and humid. Enough so, that Sabrina has been spending a lot of time sleeping on the tile floor of the kitchen by the basement door — a spot she rarely occupies except during the dog days of summer. This year, those days appear to have […]

a cool day

Thursday, June 7th, 2007

The weather has been very erratic here over the past few weeks. Last weekend, we were baking, but the past couple of days, I’ve been covering the vegetable garden with tarpaulins as there has been a threat of frost. As I write this post, the temperature is about 15C (58F). It was colder yesterday morning […]