Category Archive for 'Life'

still here

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

Over the past couple or so days, in comments left at this post, there were a couple of queries as to where I’ve gone (hi Clare). Well, I’m still around, but not as active in my usual ways, so things have almost ground to a halt in the blog posting department. This is partly due […]

all shook up

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007

See that psychedelic green and yellow BLOB in the middle of this photo — situated over Thunder Bay at the west end of Lake Superior? I flew through that THING today! (This image comes to you courtesy of robin at Dharma Bums who checked the progress of my flight on something called Flight Tracker). Anyhow, […]

33 years

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

It’s our anniversary today. Thirty-three years. I just did a little math and realized that Don and I have been married for almost two-thirds of my life. Basically, it’s been a hoot and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have spent those two-thirds of my life with. Happy anniversary, Don!

i’m seeing red

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

I’m seeing red — leaves, that is. The Red Maple on the front lawn has just begun to change colour. Soon, the nearby Sugar Maple (not pictured) will be glowing golden-orange. The High-bush Cranberries are a deep reddish-purple. While out for my evening walk in the woods yesterday, I was thinking of how the trees […]

this side down

Wednesday, August 1st, 2007

This isn’t the post that I had been thinking of writing today. However, events of the past couple of days inspired me to post this photo and write something about how I’ve been occupied. This may or may not be of interest to all. If you live in the country and have had trouble getting […]

it’s free

Sunday, July 22nd, 2007

We’ve been having beautiful summer sunsets here this week. I took this photo out in the oldfield meadow – it’s actually, a composite patched together from three photos (click on image for a larger view). I always think about how it’s the really good stuff that is for free in this world. Last night, I […]

beetling off

Monday, May 28th, 2007

This was meant to be a more substantial post, but I have to beetle off in a few minutes. We’ve had a busy weekend, and this morning I’m off to meet up with a Grade 10 science class from one of the schools in the city. A friend, Eric Snyder, and I have been doing […]