Category Archive for 'Caterpillars'

update on the yellow bear caterpillar

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

As some of you will remember, back on July 9th, I wrote: Yesterday, I collected the caterpillar below — what is, in all probability, a Virginian Tiger moth (Spilosoma virginica), often referred to as a Yellow Bear caterpillar. It was found on the tall Sweet Clover plant (Melilotus alba), which is often seen growing along […]

significant discovery?

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

A couple of days ago, I mentioned that I’d be posting about something that has occupied a bit of my time for the past week. This was the “suspense” that I talked about. Those of you who know your invasive species and are familiar with the dastardly Glossy Buckthorn bush (Rhamnus frangula), will understand the […]

summer project

Monday, July 9th, 2007

Eight-spotted Forester moth caterpillar (Alypia octomaculata) Some of you may remember that, for a few weeks last summer, I raised Monarch caterpillars, then tagged and released the butterflies after they eclosed. I considered doing so again this summer, but we had plans to do a bit of traveling, so another Monarch rearing project seemed like […]

Northern Pine Sphinx

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Last Friday night, I noticed a large moth outside one of the windows of our house (click on the above photo for a much larger view). In such cases, I generally invite the moth in for a brief visit and portrait photo session before releasing it back outdoors. My usual modus operandi is to turn […]

Circus of the Spineless – Edition #22

Sunday, July 1st, 2007

Welcome to the 22nd edition of Circus of the Spineless! I considered coming up with a theme for this edition, but in the end, I went with the one unifying quality that I found as I made my way around the web from one blog to the next. I was time and again struck by […]

my latest discovery

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Late yesterday afternoon, I found something new to me here at the farm — a pair of Delicate Cycnia Moths (Cycnia tenera) resting together on the underside of a Common Milkweed leaf in the midst of some Meadowsweet brush next to the woods. I’ve never seen these moths around the farm before, so that alone […]

buzzy days

Friday, June 15th, 2007

A mating pair of wasp mimic flies — probably Temnostoma alternans If you visited my blog earlier today, you may have seen this post with no text. I must have hit the publish after placing the photos but before writing the text. Oops! That’s probably a first for me. Anyhow, Just a few little notes […]